Information about the is a web domain that appears to be legit but is never found to be so on analysis. It may set as your search engine provider and home page when you install a freeware or shareware bundles on your PC using “Default or Express” screens options. This webpage hosts a search engine that has been programmed to deliver the search results suiting Asian markets. Moreover it gives limited ans manipulative search results to misguide users. Web browsers that uses this as their serach engines is unable to use the cloud or most relevant search results that provided by the popular search engines like Google and Bing.
Many of the system users complained about that its image and video search page does not work properly and as a result the users will have to suffer and probably use only text results. Regarding these limited search capabilities it has been considered as unwanted program that has been vastly incorporated to the PC users through freeware software packages of third party developers using internet. Once it got installed on your computer then very first it try to make full control on your browsers. It instantly changes their settings and replaces home page. It set itself as your search engine and when you go online and search any query using this then you find redirection on other infected sites that is already hacked by the cyber crooks. So you have to immediately start to think about its removal from the compromised PC.
Consequences related with
If slipped into your system then creates so many problems to disturb you every time when you got online. It hijack all your browsers like Chrome, Firefox and IE and changes their settings that is very tough task to reset again on previous. It delivers your various adverts and pop-ups that gives you a bad surfing experience. It gather your private information and send to their makers.
Elimination methods used to remove
As you read above about the menacing problems of then you have only one option to remove from your system to use it in a convenient manner. For the removal of this hijacker you can use an anti-malware tool or follow the manual removal guide that is given below just after the end of this article.
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