John, I bought a computer on the second hand market at a very cheap price the other day. So the matter that the old computer goes wrong seems to be a foregone conclusion. A webpage named pops up when I open one of my browsers. Can you imagine how I am annoyed when the page appears again and again? If I had known the result, I would have asked you to help me to choose a good computer because you have more computer knowledge than me. Is it too late to turn to you? But I want your help badly now. If you know how to remove the pest, please tell me without hesitation.
Jenny, I am pleased to receive your email and glad to provide you with manual removal guide. For details please see the attachment. Or you can skip detailed steps and go straight to download an exclusive malware removal tool.
More details about is a deceitful search engine with the qualities of Browser Hijacker family. A blog-like website which provides articles about yoga will appear if you go straight to the URL However, here the post is referring to a browser hijacker, not to the blog-like website. In order to achieve its goal, it always disguises itself as a good-looking search engine. Seen from the whole appearance, the fake search engine has the same colors (blue, red, yellow & green) and search box that Google uses. The search engine itself won’t do searching, but employs Google custom search function. The search results tab is also labeled as “Google”. All above absolutely win the trust of computer users. You might ask, why will people be cheated by poor camouflage? Well, that may sound like a story, but it’s the truth. By using human carelessness and tolerance, the fake search engine actually fools most of computer users into thinking it is another form of Google search. Sometimes people are fed up with finding the fact. You are believed to distinguish the difference between the fake search engine and Google after reading the post.
The main area where the fake search engine conducts activities is a browser including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox etc. Victims will be redirected to various websites, which may be or other strange web pages after their browser gets infected with the browser hijacker. To increase web traffic, it also inserts sponsored and unwanted pop-ups into your modified homepage or search results. The more times users are redirected, the more traffic and profit the fake search engine gets. You should avoid clicking on these pop-up ads as soon as possible even though you’ve been redirected. Without defense of antivirus programs, the activities of the browser hijacker disturb users’ browsing and spoil computer performance, which encourages more unwanted extensions or toolbars to enter the compromised computer. Worse, the research suggests that although you uninstall unwanted extensions, they still appear again if you don’t catch the “murder”. In a word, it is not wise to keep the browser hijacker in your computer.
How Does My PC Get Infected With ?
There is no infection without reason, and there is to be infected without sake. Few users will download malware voluntarily. Instead, cyber criminals take advantage of opportunities to spread infections to target computers. One of distribution methods is “bundling”, which appears when you download new software. Victims are usually computer beginners because they lack of basic computer knowledge. You should know that how to download and install software safely because downloading and installing can’t be avoid in network life. The first thing is to decide more authoritative download websites. Secondly, choosing Advanced/Custom settings in the Setup Wizard can reduce the frequency of getting malware. The more time you spend in reading the Terms of what you download carefully, the lower possibility your computer gets infected malware. Used USB devices are also one of containers that easily get infected infections. Some users like going to Internet cafes, whose computer may contain malware because many people use them without carefulness. When you plug your USB device to the infected computer, files in USB device are infected by malware. And then your computer also gets compromised if the infected device is plugged into your computer. So computer users are advised to scan ever time you use USB devices in any computer. If you are troubled by malware unluckily, you’d better take action to remove it as soon as possible.
How to know If Your Computer Has Been Hijacked
Modified browser settings: You need to check up if homepage, startup page and default search engine have been changed. Click Step 1 to get instruction to change it back to original settings.
Run antivirus program: A good anti-malware program can detect all kind of viruses and malware. For example, when your browser is hijacked by malware without your permission, SpyHunter (a anti-malware program) will send you warning and help you to kick away the invader.
Hijacked hosts file: You should check up hosts file (go to %windows%/system32/Drivers/etc/host). If you find strange IP addresses in the file, you’d better remove them and save the file.
Have you detected the browser hijacker?
Do you have no idea to remove it?
If your answer is yes, please go through the removal guide below.
How to Remove
Automatic Removal Guide (Recommended)
Manual Removal Guide
Step 1 Remove from your Browsers
For Internet Explorer
For Mozilla Firefox
For Google Chrome
For Safari
For Opera
Step 2 Delete from the Windows Registry
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